Untitled Faucet Pot

Ken Cory, Untitled (Faucet Pot). Ceramic with brass handle. Gift of Beverly Cory, 2000.101.

Untitled, or Faucet Pot, was made by Ken Cory in 1966. It’s a ceramic pot with a brass attachment, or handle. It measures 4 inches high by 6 inches wide by 11 inches deep.

This is a rounded, bulbous urn or container made of reddish-brown clay. It is lying on its side, so the lower side is slightly flattened, and it has a short narrow neck at one end. The neck is closed with a brass fitting that resembles the top, or handle, that would be used to turn on an old-fashioned faucet. It consists of a central round brass knob with a slightly smaller round knob on each side. The faucet handle is set horizontally to the pot – in the ‘off’ position.

The clay has a grainy appearance, and the pot is striped, or ribbed, with raised bands covering its whole surface and giving it texture. This contrasts with the smooth brass of the faucet.

Produced by Acoustiguide © Seattle Art Museum
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