The Vanishing American
Narrator: Smith called this painting The Vanishing American. It mixes brushy abstraction with headlines clipped from newspapers. In the upper right, one reads “What Americans,” pointing loosely to the painting’s ironic explorations of identity.
Jaune Quick-to-See Smith: See there's always this thing about “the vanishing Native American.” The vanishing American Indian. And we've been hit with that all of our lives. That, "oh you guys are so watered down." "Oh you guys are so mixed blood, you don't know who you are." "Oh you're so bastardized, you have no culture left."
Narrator: Smith said she was inspired to make the painting after a community meal during medicine lodge ceremonies on the lands of the Blackfeet Nation, near her childhood home.
Jaune Quick-to-See Smith: And then when everybody would gather to eat, people would start talking about, “And, you know, the white people are just going to do themselves in with all their poisons and all the pesticides and everything that they're using on our food. And so they're just going to be the vanishing white men.” And then everybody would laugh.
So I came back into the studio, and here I found this sign called built-in upgradability out of some New York Times or some ad or something. And I said, yeah, that really fits what the elders are saying, that we're going to make it through this. Built-in upgradability, that's what we have. We've been here for thousands and thousands of years. They just got here yesterday. They keep pretending like, oh, we just got here before them. Well, that's not true. We've been here since the creation time. So the making of a comeback.
Produced by the Whitney Museum of American Art